CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) is a regional academic mobility program that has been running in Central and Eastern Europe since 1993. Romania joined this program in 1998.
Currently, the program operates under the CEEPUS III Agreement, signed on March 25, 2010 in Budva, Montenegro and valid until April 30, 2025. In Romania, the CEEPUS III Agreement is implemented by the Government Decision no. 453 issued on May 4, 2011.
The countries participating in the program are: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
The CEEPUS structure that makes the most important decisions regarding the operation of the program is the Joint Committee of Ministers, which meets once a year. Each country participating in the programme has a National CEEPUS Office, which coordinates mobilities in that country.
A CEEPUS network is an inter-university structure within which several universities from at least two different countries carry out a common project. Any teaching staff of a university can create a CEEPUS network and then their institution becomes the coordinator of the network or can join a network coordinated by another university participating in the programme and then their institution becomes a partner institution. All operations related to the creation and management of CEEPUS projects as well as applications for mobilities are carried out online, on the website www.ceepus.info.
Each CEEPUS network has a general coordinator (who oversees the activities of the network, draws up annual reports for the Committee of Ministers, applies for the extension of the network) and local coordinators at the level of each partner university. All CEEPUS networks are available here
The Romanian Ministry of Education, through the National CEEPUS Office, annually grants 500 months of scholarships for study and teaching internships.
All CEEPUS scholarship holders (teachers and students) who are granted a mobility for Babeș-Bolyai university receive a monthly scholarship and they benefit from free of charge
accommodation in campus, free access to all the University’s libraries and laboratories and free medical emergency services during their stay at UBB. After being granted the CEEPUS mobility and before arriving at the University, the beneficiaries should contact the Centre for International Cooperation, in order to book accommodation and set an appointment with the Accounting Office of the University to collect their scholarship.
Contact person
Corina Todea Email: corina.todea@ubbcluj.ro
Phone: 0040 264 429 762, ext. 6023
You may find the contact information of the Romanian National CEEPUS Office as well as the CEEPUS scholarship rates at this link