Transylvania International Summer Courses of Romanian Language and Civilization 2025
Transylvania International Summer Courses of Romanian Language and Civilization 2025

Dive into the heart of Romania next summer! Join us for an unforgettable three-week journey filled with intensive Romanian language courses, cultural immersion, guided excursions, and international networking. Click here to discover more!

Babeș-Bolyai University International Students’ Events
Babeș-Bolyai University International Students’ Events

We’re excited to host a series of events tailored for our international students! From global cuisine tastings to wellness sessions and career guidance, these activities offer great opportunities to enrich your university experience!
Click here to view the full schedule and scan the QR codes to register! We look forward to seeing you!

Dormitory Allocations for Non-EU Self Sponsored Students
Dormitory Allocations for Non-EU Self Sponsored Students
Dormitory Allocations 2024-2025 for Non-EU, Self-Sponsored Students are now available!
Click here for more details.


Stagii de schimb academic cu Universitatea din Kobe, Japonia

Universitatea din Kobe, Japonia, a lansat apelul pentru stagii de schimb academic în domeniul Economie, care încep în aprilie 2025. Pentru mai multe informații consultați apelul  și pagina cu informații despre...
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Fulbright Scholarships for the 2025/2026 academic year

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Fulbright Scholarships for the 2025/2026 academic year. These scholarships are available to faculty members and researchers...
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Newsletter CCI Nr. 74

Cel mai recent număr al newsletter-ului Centrului de Cooperări Internaționale, conținând evenimentele, programele internaționale și activitățile de internaționalizare ale Universității Babeș-Bolyai poate fi consultat aici: Din sumar:
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Transylvania International Summer Courses of Romanian Language and Civilization 2025

Transylvania International Summer Courses of Romanian Language and Civilization represents one of the University`s tradition, recommended across half of century, by the professional expertise of its teachers, the quality of the working materials and of the methods of teaching. The curriculum has been created in such a way that …
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Stagii de schimb academic cu Universitatea din Kobe, Japonia

Universitatea din Kobe, Japonia, a lansat apelul pentru stagii de schimb academic în domeniul Economie, care încep în aprilie 2025. Pentru mai multe informații consultați apelul  și pagina cu informații despre programul de schimb la Faculty / Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University. Termenul limită: 15 octombrie 2024.
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Nino Aduashvili (Ilia State University, Georgia, incoming Erasmus+ student at the Faculty of Business)

My name is Nino Aduashvili and I’m a student at Ilia State University (Tbilisi, Georgia). Erasmus+ exchange program gives students the chance to study at another university and get foreign experience. Erasmus is a great chance to meet new cultures, have foreign friends and live for a while in another …
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Expoziția „Unissued Diplomas”, găzduită de UBB

Centrul de Cooperări Internaționale al Universității Babeș-Bolyai (UBB), împreună cu Institutul Român pentru Pace (PATRIR) și cu sprijinul Direcției Patrimoniu Cultural Universitar al UBB, organizează luni, 26 februarie 2024, în Foaierul Colegiului Academic (str. M. Kogălniceanu, nr. 5), vernisajul expoziției „Unissued Diplomas”, dedicată studenților ucrainieni care și-au pierdut viața …
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  • Director
  • ERASMUS+ Office
  • Office for inter-university agreements
  • Office for mobilities and international students

The Erasmus+ Office

The Erasmus Office is the central administrative responsible to implement the mobility projects financed by EACEA and to offer support in the implementation of other projects (Jean Monnet, Teacher Academy, Erasmus Joint Degrees, Cooperation projects, Innovation, EEA grants, CERV, European Citizenship, Erasmus consortium, Sport, etc.)
  The Office for Inter-university Agreements consists of 11 international officers and collaborators/experts in charge of developing the inter-institutional agreements with other similar higher education institutions, supporting faculties and departments in the elaboration of inter-departmental memoranda and the implementation of international cooperation activities foreseen in the agreements. Another key-activity is liaising with the international associations or networks where Babeș-Bolyai University is a member. See our brief presentation here.
The Office for Mobilities and International Students is a multivalent office, managing various axis of activity within the Center for International Cooperation. In order to keep up with the dynamics in education, our office coordinates international mobilities and exchanges outside Erasmus+ program for teachers and students, promotes our study opportunities in education fairs and events and welcomes international freshmen at UBB, easing their way to studying, both administratively and culturally.
Sergiu Miscoiu

Prof. dr. Sergiu Mișcoiu

Position: Director

Areas of activity:

  • Management of the Centre for International Cooperation
  • Project Manager EUTOPIA
  • Liaison officer GUILD


Phone: 0040264429762

Public Hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00-13:00

ERASMUS+ Office, Head of Office

Ramona Onciu, Ph.D.

Position: Head of office

Areas of activity:

  • institutional coordinator for Erasmus and EEA grants at UBB level
  • representative in GUILD Erasmus working group
  • representative in EUTOPIA Erasmus working group
  • expert in project management (calls for: Cooperation projects, Jean Monnet, Erasmus Mundus, Teacher Academy, Capacity building, Sport, Support for policy, etc.)


Phone: 0040264429762

Public Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10:00-13:00

Head of Office, Office for inter-university agreements

Adina Fodor, Ph.D.

Position: Head of office

Areas of activity:

  • Cooperation with Turkey and South-Eastern Asia
  • Member in the Executive Committee of the SGroup - Universities in Europe


Phone: +40-264-429762, ext. 6024

Public Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10:00-13:00

Head of Office, Office for mobilities and international students

Carmen Țâgșorean, Ph.D.

Position: Head of office

Areas of activity:

  • Teaching mobilities (incoming/outgoing)
  • Cooperation with North America
  • Contact person for the American Council on Higher Education
  • Contact person for Fulbright Commission (Incoming Exchanges)
  • Coordinator for the International Summer Courses of Romanian Language and Civilization


Phone: 0040-264-429762

Public Hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00-13:00

ERASMUS+ Office, Head of Office

Ramona Onciu, Ph.D.

Position: Head of office

Areas of activity:

  • institutional coordinator for Erasmus and EEA grants at UBB level
  • representative in GUILD Erasmus working group
  • representative in EUTOPIA Erasmus working group
  • expert in project management (calls for: Cooperation projects, Jean Monnet, Erasmus Mundus, Teacher Academy, Capacity building, Sport, Support for policy, etc.)


Phone: 0040264429762

Public Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10:00-13:00


Paula Gherghina

Position: International officer

Areas of activity:

  • outgoing student short-term mobilities for Erasmus and EEA grants


Phone: 0040264429762

Public Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10:00-13:00


Bogdan Glăvan

Position: International officer

Areas of activity:

  • support activities for Erasmus and EEA grants


Phone: 0040264429762

Public Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10:00-13:00


Elena-Adriana Son

Position: International officer

Areas of activity:

  • outgoing staff training and teaching mobilities for Erasmus and EEA grants


Phone: 0040264429762

Public Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10:00-13:00


Ilona Cristea-Drancă, Ph.D.

Position: International officer

Areas of activity:

  • incoming student and staff mobilities for Erasmus and EEA grants
  • Erasmus+ and EEA agreements


Phone: 0040264429762

Public Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10:00-13:00


Ramona Fäder

Position: International officer

Areas of activity:

  • outgoing student long-term mobilities for Erasmus and EEA grants


Phone: 0040264429762

Public Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10:00-13:00


Oana Pop

Position: International officer

Areas of activity:

  • on maternity leave

Liana Lupu

Position: International officer

Areas of activity:

  • Intensive Blended Programs in Erasmus program
  • Erasmus inclusion responsible


Phone: 004037810705

Public Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10:00-13:00

Head of Office, Office for inter-university agreements

Adina Fodor, Ph.D.

Position: Head of office

Areas of activity:

  • Cooperation with Turkey and South-Eastern Asia
  • Member in the Executive Committee of the SGroup - Universities in Europe


Phone: +40-264-429762, ext. 6024

Public Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10:00-13:00

Office for inter-university agreements

Ioana Ligia Florea, Ph.D.

Position: Expert

Areas of activity:

  • Cooperation with German-speaking countries
  • International programs of the German Line of Study
  • Cooperation within SEMP (Swiss European Mobility Program)
  • Contact person for DAAD and ÖAD


Phone: +40-264-429762, ext. 6017

Public Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10:00-13:00

Office for inter-university agreements

Anca Kiss, Ph.D.

Position: Expert

Areas of activity:

  • on leave of absence
Office for inter-university agreements

Mihaela Bogdan, Ph.D.

Position: Expert

Areas of activity:

  • Cooperation with Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe
  • Cooperation with Central Asia, China and Chinese Institutions
  • Contact person for Danube Rectors' Conference
  • Admission officer for Ukrainian students
  • Contact person for research internships


Phone: +40-264-429762, ext. 6054

Public Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10:00-13:00

Office for inter-university agreements

Valentina Gîdea, Ph.D.

Position: Expert

Areas of activity:

  • Cooperation with French-speaking countries and African countries
  • Contact person for the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, the French Rectors Conference


Phone: +40-264-429762, ext. 6013

Office for inter-university agreements

Ildikó Homa, Ph.D.

Position: Expert

Areas of activity:

  • on leave of absence
Office for inter-university agreements

Mihaela Gligor, Ph.D.

Position: Expert

Areas of activity:

  • Cooperation with India
  • Director of the Cluj Center for Indian Studies of Babeș-Bolyai University


Phone: +40-264-429.755

Office for inter-university agreements

Assoc. Prof. Monica Fekete, Ph.D.

Position: Expert

Areas of activity:

  • Cooperation with Italy


Phone: +40-264-429762, ext. 6024

Office for inter-university agreements

Lect. Codruța Sîntionean, Ph.D.

Position: Expert

Areas of activity:

  • Cooperation with South Korea


Phone: +40-264-429762, ext.6024

Head of Office, Office for mobilities and international students

Carmen Țâgșorean, Ph.D.

Position: Head of office

Areas of activity:

  • Teaching mobilities (incoming/outgoing)
  • Cooperation with North America
  • Contact person for the American Council on Higher Education
  • Contact person for Fulbright Commission (Incoming Exchanges)
  • Coordinator for the International Summer Courses of Romanian Language and Civilization


Phone: 0040-264-429762

Public Hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00-13:00

Office for mobilities and international students

Anna Fejer

Position: Expert

Areas of activity:

  • Recognition of graduation certificates for EU citizens (High School and Bachelor diploma)
  • Incoming free-mover students
  • International recruitment and marketing
  • Cooperation with recruitment agencies


Phone: 0040-264-429762

Public Hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00-13:00

Office for mobilities and international students

Corina Todea

Position: Expert

Areas of activity:

  • Admission of degree-seeking students from countries outside the EU (Bachelor and Master level)
  • Recognition of diplomas issued by foreign authorities for Romanian citizens (for admission in Bachelor and Master level)
  • Admission of students from Diaspora (Bachelor and Master level)
  • Romanian Government Scholarship Holders (Bachelor and Master level)
  • CEEPUS Programme


Phone: 0040-264-429762

Public Hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00-13:00

Office for mobilities and international students

Position: International officer

Areas of activity:

  • Accommodation for nonEU self-sponsored students (Romanian Preparatory Year/Bachelor/Master)
  • Reimbursement formalities for nonEU self-sponsored students (Romanian Preparatory Year/Bachelor/Master)
  • International students tutor program manager (Unibuddy)
  • Responsable for the Rector’s Order
Office for mobilities and international students

Position: International officer

Areas of activity:

  • Secretary’s office
  • Various administrative activities and internal coordination
  • Statistics and reporting
  • Representative in Eutopia’s working group
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