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Centrul de Cooperări Internaționale


In order to promote and support the inclusion of refugees in the university education system, UBB has concluded a collaboration agreement with the UN Agency for Refugees in Romania (UNHCR) in 2020. Under the umbrella of this partnership, two important scholarship programs have been developed and launched, under the coordination of the Centre for International Cooperation, through the Office of Interuniversity Agreements.

  • Scholarship offered by Babes-Bolyai University to refugee students

UBB has developed a bachelor’s and master’s degree scholarship program, offering the following forms of support for refugee students:

  1. granting 2 places at bachelor’s and / or master’s level, respectively exemption from administrative fees, tuition fees, ensuring 2 places on the UBB campus (1 place / student) and exemption from paying the accommodation fee in the dormitory;
  2. granting a monthly scholarship for refugee student or political asylum seeker from the university’s own funds (I monthly scholarship/student)

The program was launched in the academic year 2021-2022, and the first student with refugee status at the Faculty of Business, undergraduate level was included in the program in December 2021.

For more details on the scholarship program for refugee students, please see the program’s website here:

  • Research scholarships offered to UBB students by UNHCR Romania

To encourage academic interest, research and the exchange of information on asylum and migration, refugees and statelessness, UBB will run a UNHCR-funded scholarship program for students enrolled in their final year of master’s degree at UBB faculties in academic year 2021-2022. The coordination of the scholarship program and the research of the selected students will be carried out through the Center for the Comparative Study of Migration, an accredited research institute of UBB.

The scholarship program consists of the following:

  • awarding 3 (three) research scholarships for students who undertake to develop dissertation papers on topics related to the integration of refugees in Romania, Romania as a transit country, secondary movements, public perception of refugees, representation of refugees in the Romanian media, comparative analyzes on asylum systems, push-and-pull factors in Romania for refugees and asylum seekers;
  • the 3 (three) scholarships under the program will be awarded for a period of three (3) months for each selected student;
  • the scholarship awarded is worth 1,000 lei/student/month;

Other directions and cooperation activities under the cooperation agreement include inviting UNHCR experts as speakers to academic courses and events organized by UBB, co-creating course modules at the faculties of (1) European Studies, (2) Political Science, Administrative and of Communication, (3) Law, (4) Sociology and Social Work, and promoting events aimed at raising awareness on refugees, together with the Department of Communication and Public Relations.