Transylvania International Summer Courses of Romanian Language and Civilization represents one of the University`s tradition, recommended across half of century, by the professional expertise of its teachers, the quality of the working materials and of the methods of teaching. The curriculum has been created in such a way that it meets particular individual needs of the participants, whose experience is complete with high value cultural activities, meant to integrate them in the Romanian scenery.
History of Transylvania International Summer Courses of Romanian Language and Civilization
The Romanian language is today taught as a foreign language in more than 43 countries (ranking the 5th Romance language), through lectorates within university centers, among which the University of Geneva (the Swiss Confederation), Sorbonne University, Paris III (France), University of Regensburg (Germany), University of Pisa (Italy), Columbia University in New York (USA), etc.
Highly concerned with the harmoniuos development of the society, locally, regionally or globally, Babes- Bolyai University well-understood to stimulate a union of authenticity and openess towards multiculturality, since early times. The story of the “International Summer Courses of Romanian Language and Civilization” began in 1970, at the initiative of Babeș-Bolyai University, becoming a pillar of the process of internationalization of the academic environment. Since then, the summer school steered interest for participants coming from over 62 countries (e.g. 26 participants from Austria, 28 fromm Belgium, 17 from Bulgaria, 43 from France, 71 from Italy etc.), the access being open to all those who want to study the Romanian language and culture. Across time, we have exchanged energy, information and emotions with a wide variety of cultures, covering all corners of the world.
The courses are organized by the Center for International Cooperation of the Babeş-Bolyai University together with the Department of Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization within the Faculty of Letters. The structures work together to implement the language policy of the University regarding the teaching of Romanian as a foreign language.
In the light of the recent digital developements imposed by the trend of rapid information circulation and by the pandemic constraints, we have managed to adapt to the new trends and cover for the sometimes difficult face-to-face meetings. We have, thus, organised several editions of on-line summer school, in order not to interrupt the on-going tradition we are so devoted to. The online alternative allows for only 40 course hours, but it provides supplementary course materials and suport for independent work away from the computer. The virtual activities are no less remarkable than the presential ones, helping the participants not to miss their summer study cycles.
We must admit, we prefer meeting you in person and taking you in cultural discoveries and social exploration in Romania!
For the face-to-face programme version, your experience consists in attending 60 hours of Romanian language structured in the most efficient form. We prepared an intense and varied program throughout the three weeks of courses. Teaching activities will be held daily in the morning while in the afternoon we will take part in complementary activities, that will introduce us to the spirit of Romanian civilization.
Who are we?
As a higher education institution, Babeș-Bolyai University is committed to bridging cultures, to enhancing knowledge and to the improvement of communication between people. The institution strives to increase intercultural awareness, competences and harmony. In order to always keep up with our activities, please follow us on Facebook and visit our website.
Team of Center for International Cooperation
The team of the Centre for International Cooperation coordinates the organization of the courses annually. Each year, our mission is to create an idyllic Romanian corner of the universe. We are using our creativity to regenerate all the authentic Romanian spirit, despite the trivialities and global events. We are aware that our roots are in the Romanian culture, our pride is the Romanian language and our motivation is our participants` satisfaction. Thus, we`re highly receptive to the attendees’ interests, needs and requirements, in order to ensure the greatest experience for them. You can always contact us at romsummerschool.ro.
Members of the Faculty of Letters
The teaching process is based on the communicative method, following the acquirement of knowledge and skills development in: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Teachers employ the direct method of teaching which emphasizes the exclusive use of the Romanian language in teaching, so that, from the first day of the Romanian language courses, students are called on to generate oral and written discourse in the Romanian language. At the end of the language courses, they are already placed at the A1+ level of competence, being capable to communicate on specific topics of this level. All of the teachers hold both a trainer certificate in the field of communication with adults and a certificate for teaching the Romanian language as a foreign language. They are members of the Department of Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization of Babes-Bolyai University. During the 50 years old history of the courses and of our collaboration, the variety of the experiences led teachers to add, convert, improve and pass on their teaching skills.
Course description
The program has two components:
The Language courses:
Your presential experience consists in participating in 60 hours of Romanian language structured in the most efficient form, perfected over the 50 previous editions. Upon completion of the course, on condition of full attendance, participants will be granted with 4 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). Otherwise, participants are granted with the number of ECTS proportional to their attendance.
General Learning outcomes
(*The level of complexity differs, according to the initial level of the participants. Three weeks of courses ensure 2 steps forward. For example, if at the moment of starting a participant has A2 level in Romanian, after completing the course, participants are expected to have B2 level).
1. Recognition and correct reproduction of the elements specific to the phonetic system of the Romanian language.
2. Correct and appropriate use of grammar structures and vocabulary specific to the targeted level of language proficiency.
3. Understanding after listening audio recordings of diverse complexity.
4. Good oral expression in a conversation on different topics.
5. Independent writing abilities.
This summer programme represents one of the University`s tradition, recommended across half of century, by the professional expertise of its teachers, the quality of the working materials and of the methods of teaching. The curriculum has been created in such a way that it meets particular individual needs of the participants, whose experience is complete with high value cultural activities, meant to integrate them in the Romanian scenery. One of the most efficient particularity of this programme is its adaptable structure, constantly adjusting to the needs of each person`s profile, or group profile and level. The repartition of participants on level groups ensures homogenous evolution and prevents difficulties of assimilation of essential language elements.
Social and cultural activities
The cultural activities supplement the language courses and are meant to help the participants understand the way of functioning of Romanian civilization and to grasp the culture that drives us from beyond. The conferences and workshops are hosted by cultural organizations` members and by highly praised University faculty-members and PhD candidates, tackling topics related to educational system, royal personalities, psychology, natural resources of Romania, traditions, history, business environment, etc. The workshops will be held in English or Romanian. Besides, a series of trips and visits to castles, monasteries, salt mines, and beautiful towns like Brasov and Sibiu are occasions to make unforgettable memories!
Social activities objectives:
- To form a general understanding of Romanian society, of its historical evolution and its contemporary development;
- To offer informed opinions about the cultural, social, political, economic and educational aspects of Romanian life, through formal instruction and informal experiences in the country;
- To learn from local individuals (e.g., faculty, students, administrators) about daily life in contemporary Romania.
The textbooks
The textbook for the participants is elaborated by the research team of the Department of Romanian language, Culture and Civilization, the only Department in Romania that has an entire team specialized in issuing didactic materials and that organizes including MA level training courses in the didactics of Romanian as a foreign language (RLS) or refresher courses for RLS professors from home and foreign universities. These are modern and attractive manuals or auxiliary didactic materials, updated frequently and elaborated in the spirit of the communicative model, also containing drills for the development of the understanding competence by listening. Each didactic unity is elaborated so as to also offer cultural references.
The courses are designed on levels of competence corresponding to the European reference framework for foreign languages: A1, A2-B1, B2-C1
Teaching activities will be held daily in the morning.
On-site fees
- Romanian Language Course (60 hours): 620 EUR (includes multicultural evening and farewell party)
- Romanian Language Course (fee/hour): 20 EUR/hour (for a smaller number of course hours)
- Cultural program package (at least 10 activities): 295 EUR
- One cultural activity access: 33 EUR
- One-day trip during weekend: 55 EUR (includes transportation and social program)
- 2-day trip during weekend: 330 EUR (includes transportation, room and board, social program)
- 20 nights’ accommodation in double room: 280 EUR
- 20 nights’ accommodation in single room: 560 EUR
- 20 mornings breakfast package: 190 EUR (20 meals);
Cancelation policy:
- In the event that the participant cancels attendance in the program, it is mandatory to announce the organizers 45 days prior to the beginning of the courses. Refunds are not possible outside this limit.
Unforseen situations:
- In the event that the program cannot take place because of unforseen situations, we will automatically switch to the on-line format. Each participant will be immediately announced and will have 48 hours to decide upon participating, given the new circumstances. Only those who will answer within the 48 hours, are eligible for a full refund (minus the bank transfer fee).
- The payment can be made here.
- In case you prefer to make the payment via bank transfer, the bank requisites of Babes-Bolyai University are: Bank: Banca Comerciaă Română, branch Cluj-Napoca, 10-12 George Barițiu Street, RO – 400027ClujNapoca, România IBAN Code: RO 16 RNCB 0106026604700008 SWIFT CODE: RNCBROBU Beneficiary: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, address 1, M. Kogălniceanu Street, RO-400083 Cluj-Napoca, România
- In case you intend to make the payment directly to the financial department of BBU, please get in touch with us for further information.
Bună ziua! Sunt Kateryna. Sunt din Ucraina. Sunt de profesie contabilă şi lucrez la calculator. Acum sunt la Cluj. Sunt studentă la Facultatea de Litere la Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai. Învăţ la cursuri limba română. Mulţumesc profesoarei noastre, Luminiţa, şi organizatorilor cursului, deoarece vorbesc şi înţeleg popu- laţia locală! Câte limbi ştie o persoană – atât de multe lumi deschise! (Kateryna Leoniv, Ukraine)
Cursul de română este foarte bun. Profesorii sunt dedicaţi. Această universitate îţi deschide braţele pentru noi. Ei ne învaţă limba română, noua noastră casă. (Sandy Juhasz, Hungary)
Eu studiez limba română la şcoala de vară din Cluj. Am făcut cursuri de luni până vineri toată luna iulie. Noi suntem la Facultatea de Litere. Îmi place clasa în care studiez şi parcul unde mă relaxez. Eu nu ştiam limba română înainte de a merge la şcoala de vară. Acum pot să citesc şi să scriu puţin. Încerc să vorbesc, dar greşesc des. Eu iubesc şcoala de vară! (Olena Puhachova, Ukraine)
În această vară, am făcut cunoştinţă cu cultura şi tradiţiile româneşti. România are o cultură străveche şi interesantă, cu o limbă proprie, care îşi are originile în latină. Are asemănări cu italiana şi franceza. Profesorul nostru este amabil şi răspunde la toate întrebările noastre. Am organizat şi excursii la Alba Iulia şi Turda, la muzee. Ne-am distrat de minune cu noile cunoştinţe. (Anna Denysenko, Ukraine)
Iubesc România pentru frumuseţea ei sălbatică. Pe lângă peisaje spectaculoase şi clădiri în stil gotic, puteţi găsi şi clădiri uimitoare, noi şi moderne. În Cluj există biserici străvechi construite cu bun gust si restaurante deosebite cu mâncăruri locale dar şi internaţionale. Cursul este foarte intens dimineaţa, studiem din greu cu profesori care investesc foarte mult ca să învăţăm limba română iar seara să călătorim şi să ne distrăm. (Moshe Lupu, Israel)
Am venit la Cluj-Napoca pentru şcoala de vară. În ciuda faptului că am mai fost în acest oraş, de data aceasta am o altă impresie despre el. Organizatorii au inclus în program o vizită în multe locuri de neuitat. Îmi place asemănarea culturii române şi ucrainene, pentru că în acest caz înţeleg istoria trecutului poporului român. Îmi place cum se combină desertăciunea oraşului şi liniştea naturii în Cluj-Napoca. Există o mare dorinţă de a vizita Muzeul de Artă, dar pur şi simplu nu găsesc timp să admir picturile. Teatrul a plecat în- tr-o vacanţă de vară, dar sper ca în toamnă o să am ocazia să văd un spectacol. Din punctul meu de vedere, Cluj-Napoca este un oraş foarte confortabil de locuit şi cu atât mai mult un oraş minunat pentru studenţii, care vin aici din toată ţara pentru să studieze la o universitate atât de fermecătoare. (Fedurean Anastasia, Ukraine)
Mulțumesc foarte mult organizatorilor școlii de vară pentru organizarea incredibilă!
Organizare la nivel înalt. Le sunt recunoscătoare profesorilor, în special doamnei Adelina, pentru lecțiile interesante de limba română.Avem un grup foarte interesant din diferite țări. La școala de vară am început să vorbesc românește și să înțeleg gramatica. Au fost subiecte foarte importante pentru mine. Îi doresc prosperitate universității și școlii de vară! (Olga Karnaukh, Republic of Moldova)
The program overall has exceeded my expectations. I’ve generally been impressed by the teaching and super impressed by the cultural activities. You have made a concerted effort to show us Romania. Thank you. And again, I cannot over express my gratitude in taking us to the Elie Wiesel house. As I mentioned, I tried to see the museum last year and it was closed so it was quite special for me to see it. Also, with so many places to go, I am impressed that the University found it important to choose that museum and to then spend two hours there. As a Jew, I have been taught about the Holocaust my whole life. Coming to Romania and going to that museum showed me how real it was. (I mean it made it come alive in a way that I could finally understand the loss.) I was worried about my classmates and what they were thinking of the time we spent there but it seems they were engaged and asked good questions during the tour there. To some of them, this was their first exposure to the history of the holocaust. I am very appreciative of you in recognizing the importance of that place. Again, it says a lot about you and the program, that you were willing to take us there and spend time there. Thank you again for asking and thank you for the wonderful experience. (Geri Khan, United States)
I’m really glad that i have been here, I have learned a lot as much for my Romanian as for the cultural experiences and all the things I have discovered thanks to you so I’m really grateful about it. Thank you! (Marion Stirnemann, France)
Application form
If you are interested in participating in our event, here you can find the application form. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Cluj!