BBU Events

Expoziția „Unissued Diplomas”, găzduită de UBB

Centrul de Cooperări Internaționale al Universității Babeș-Bolyai (UBB), împreună cu Institutul Român pentru Pace (PATRIR) și cu sprijinul Direcției Patrimoniu Cultural Universitar al UBB, organizează luni, 26 februarie 2024, în Foaierul Colegiului Academic (str. M. Kogălniceanu, nr. 5), vernisajul expoziției „Unissued Diplomas”, dedicată studenților ucrainieni care și-au pierdut viața …

Time to discover UBB

The Centre for International Cooperation warmly invites international students to join a series of social events aimed at encouraging and assisting them in discovering the university and its facilities. Come be part of these engaging activities designed to make your university experience even more enjoyable!


18th DRC Summer School 2023

The Danube Rectors’ Conference (DRC) is thrilled to inform you about the Call for Applications for the 18th DRC Summer School on Regional Cooperation titled “Transformation of post-war Europe: Challenging Universities and Research in the Danube Region“.

This year’s Summer School takes place in the beautiful city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, on 16-22 July 2023. Interactive lectures and workshops with experts will be organized, as well as social activities in the heart of Transylvania.

This year’s focus topics are:

  • Democratic recovery in wartime Europe
  • Inclusion and diversity in times of war
  • Digital is taking over – threat or opportunity?
  • Towards European strategic autonomy

The deadline for the Call is 31 May 2023. Further information on the Summer School and the application can be found on the DRC website.

International Conference “Migration Dynamics and New Trends in European (In)Security”

International Conference Migration Dynamics and New Trends in European (In)Security, Ninth Edition, Cluj-Napoca, On site and via Zoom, October 27th -28th, 2022  The Ninth Edition of the International Conference Migration Dynamics and New Trends in European (In)Security, within the Jean Monnet Module Quo Vadis Europe? European Security, National and Ethnic Minority Issues: from Theory to …

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