Centrul de Cooperări Internaționale

Incoming students

Welcome to the time of your life as an Erasmus+ student at Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai!

You will be a student at the university with the longest academic tradition in Romania, the country’s largest university and the best university in the country according to the last Metaranking performed by the Romanian Ministry of Education from 2016 to 2019. We are proud to share with you not only the multitude of academic achievements, the results of numerous research projects, but also our continued commitment to an open and multicultural university, fully connected to the life of our community!

We will guide you through the steps you need to take to ensure a smooth and unforgettable Erasmus+ experience at UBB!

There are a lot of people who are here to help you so make sure you know them:

  • Erasmus+ Office responsible for incoming mobilities – the central office international officer will be your contact person for the application procedure, accommodation procedure and will intermediate between you and the faculty until your arrival
  • Erasmus+ Departmental coordinator(s): each of our 22 faculties has a specific person that will guide you through the academic and administrative process at faculty level. The departmental coordinator is the person responsible for signing your Learning Agreement (for students) or Teaching/Staff training plan (for staff) and can provide academic information and advice. Make sure you contact the correct departmental coordinator according to the faculty in which you are enrolled:
FacultyDepartmental coordinator nameEmail address
Biology and GeologyAlexandru Stermin, Ph.D.alexandru.stermin@ubbcluj.ro
BusinessAdina Negrușa, Ph.D.adina.negrusa@ubbcluj.ro
Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringIoana Luiza Găină, Ph.D.ioana.gaina@ubbcluj.ro
LawDiana Botău, Ph.D.diana.botau@law.ubbcluj.ro
Physical Education and SportIoan Niculaie Negru, Ph.D.ioan.negru@ubbcluj.ro
PhysicsSimona Pînzaru, Ph.D.simona.pinzaru@ubbcluj.ro
GeographyVoicu Bodocan, Ph.D.voicu.bodocan@ubbcluj.ro
History and PhilosophyMarius Bucur, Ph.D.hiphi@ubbcluj.ro
LettersFazakas Emese, Ph.D.emese.fazakas@ubbcluj.ro
Mathematics and Computer ScienceJudit Robu, Ph.D.mobilities.cs@ubbcluj.ro
Psychology and Education SciencesDaniel Andronache, Ph.D.erasmus.psyed@outlook.com
Sociology and Social WorkCosmin Ghețău, Ph.D.cosmin.ghetau@ubbcluj.ro
European StudiesDelia Pop-Flanja, Ph.D.delia.flanja@ubbcluj.ro
Environmental Science and EngineeringZoltan TÖRÖK, Ph.D.zoltan.torok@ubbcluj.ro
Economics and Business AdministrationLiviu Deceanu, Ph.D.liviu.deceanu@econ.ubbcluj.ro
Political, Administrative and Communication SciencesDelia Bălaș, Ph.D.balas@fspac.ro
Orthodox TheologyLiviu Vidican-Manci, Ph.D.liviu.vidican@ubbcluj.ro
Reformed TheologyOlga Lukacs, Ph.D.lukacso@yahoo.de
Greek-Catholic TheologyCălin Săplăcan, Ph.D.calin.saplacan@ubbcluj.ro
Roman-Catholic TheologyBereczki Gyongyverbereczki.gyongyver@ubbcluj.ro
Theatre and FilmAndrea-Adriana Virginas, Ph.D.andrea.virginas@ubbcluj.ro
Engineering (at University Centre Reșița)Codruța-Oana Hamat, Ph.D.codruta.hamat@ubbcluj.ro
  • Erasmus Student Network Cluj-Napoca: your UBB fellow students are here to make sure your integration within our academic life and community is as smooth as possible. Make sure you join their activities and apply for a ”buddy” – they are always available online

Before you continue your journey to the perfect Erasmus+ mobility at UBB, make sure your read our FAQ and watch the video we have prepared for you.

Useful links:

Foreign Language Courses Available through Other Cultural Centers and Faculties:

These links provide access to courses for international students interested in learning various languages.

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