
2024-2025 Fulbright US Scholar Program to Romania

The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission is pleased to announce that the 2024-2025 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program competition is now open and the application deadline is September 15, 2023! The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program to Romania is designed for American scholars and professionals interested to teach and/or conduct research in Romania in a wide variety of academic and professional fields. A …

Alătură-te echipei CCI!

Suntem în căutarea unui nou membru al echipei Biroului de Mobilități și studenți internaționali. Dacă ai experiență în comunicarea interculturală, îți place să lucrezi în echipă pentru realizarea unor proiecte inedite te așteptăm să îți depui dosarul de candidatură. Detaliile le poți găsi în documentul de mai jos.  


18th DRC Summer School 2023

The Danube Rectors’ Conference (DRC) is thrilled to inform you about the Call for Applications for the 18th DRC Summer School on Regional Cooperation titled “Transformation of post-war Europe: Challenging Universities and Research in the Danube Region“.

This year’s Summer School takes place in the beautiful city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, on 16-22 July 2023. Interactive lectures and workshops with experts will be organized, as well as social activities in the heart of Transylvania.

This year’s focus topics are:

  • Democratic recovery in wartime Europe
  • Inclusion and diversity in times of war
  • Digital is taking over – threat or opportunity?
  • Towards European strategic autonomy

The deadline for the Call is 31 May 2023. Further information on the Summer School and the application can be found on the DRC website.

Applications open for the International Programs to be held at IBS Americas Florida Campus, Sunny Isles Beach 

IBS Americas develops education to the highest standard, offering an immersive and flexible experience that gives students the chance to join an international program without compromising the academic year.  Scholarship Notice #02/2023  IBS Americas announces the Scholarship Notice to Exchange Programs in Business Administration and Marketing Management for Undergraduate …

Oportunitate de voluntariat la Centrul de Cooperări Internaționale

Dacă ești creativ și vrei să te afirmi în comunitatea academică, Centrul de Cooperări Internaționale al Universității Babeș-Bolyai îți oferă șansa de a-i deveni colaborator în proiectele sale cu participare internațională! Căutăm studenți talentați pentru stagii de voluntariat, în urmatoarele arii de expertiză: Așadar, dacă ești în căutarea unor …


Unibuddy System for International Students

The platform is dedicated to degree seeking (full-time) international students and incoming exchange students (except for Erasmus students).

Want to know more about what it’s like to be an international student at the Babeș-Bolyai University?

You are very excited about starting your student life in a new environment, but also have a lot of questions and concerns?

More at CHAT TO OUR STUDENTS – Centrul de Cooperări Internaționale (


Student Ambassador Program at Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai 

Are you a Romanian or international student, enrolled in a Bachelor/Master/PhD program at Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, eager and open to share with other students your life experiences and knowledge you have already gained as a senior student? 

Become a student ambassador at UBB and make a difference to someone’s student life! 

Find out more about the program and join now our team!  

Details of the program and selection of the ambassadors:

Specific requirements:

Application form:

Application deadline: October 12, 2022

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